Adverse Outcomes Associated With Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified in a Community Sample

OBJECTIVE: The authors investigated 1) whether adolescents and adults in the community diagnosed with personality disorder not otherwise specified are at elevated risk for adverse outcomes, and 2) whether this elevation in risk is comparable with that associated with the DSM-IV cluster A, B, and C personality disorders. METHOD: A community-based sample of 693 mothers and their offspring were interviewed during the offspring’s childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. Offspring psychopathology, aggressive behavior, educational and interpersonal difficulties, and suicidal behavior were assessed. RESULTS: Individuals who met DSM-IV criteria for personality disorder not otherwise specified were significantly more likely than those without personality disorders to have concurrent axis I disorders and behavioral, educational, or interpersonal problems during adolescence and early adulthood. In addition, adolescents with personality disorder not otherwise specified were at significantly elevated risk for subs...