DXS26 (HU16) is located in Xq21.1

We have localized a single-copy DNA probe, HU16 (locus DXS26), to Xq21.1. The probe was isolated from a human-mouse hybrid X;13 library and mapped with human-mouse hybrids containing different portions of the human X chromosome and DNA from male patients with different X-chromosomal deletions. The following order of loci is proposed: Xcen-(DXS72, DXS169)-(DXS232,DXS26)-DXS121-DXS233-DXS165 TCD-DXS95-DXYSl-Xqter. HU16 will be useful in the study of the putative genes that reside in Xq21 and whose defects lead to deafness and mental retardation.