Elaboration and spectroscopic characterization of carbon nanostructures

We discuss the production of carbon nanotubes by the electric arc-discharge method. Co-evaporation of metals, Yttrium, Lutetium, Nickel and Boron have been used with the following stoichiometry: YNi2B2C or LuNi2B2C. We have obtained singlewalled and multiwalled nanotubes and also crystalline nanoparticles embedded in glassy carbon as evidenced by HRTEM and x-ray diffraction observations. The SQUID measurements showed a superconducting transition which would mean that crystalline particles present the superconducting phases of YNi2B2C, YNi4B4C or LuNi2B2C. HRTEM investigations are corroborated by Raman spectra which exhibit the features characteristic of singlewalled nanotubes by the presence of three main peaks at approximately 1580 cm-1, approximately 1350 cm-1 and approximately 180 cm-1. Other samples present on the E2g2 mode and those assigned to glassy carbon at approximately 1350 cm-1 and approximately 1600 cm-1.