Use of a Root Tumorigenesis Assay to Detect Genotypic Variation in Susceptibility of Thirty-four Cultivars of Pisum sativum to Crown Gall

We developed a quantitative assay to measure tumorigenesis on roots and root crowns, the natural sites of Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection. Efficiency of tumor formation and tumor weight on seedlings of Pisum savitum ''Little Marvel'' were directly porportional to the logarithm of inoculum concentration. Depth of wounding prior to inoculation also significantly influenced tumor weight but not efficiency. Mean of tumors that developed in response to inoculation with strain B6 varied significantly among 34 different commercial cultivars. Tumors on the most susceptible cultivar, Target, were more than tenfold heavier than those formed on the least susceptible cultivar, Sweet Snap. Efficiency of tumorigenesis on ''Sweet Snap'' was also relatively low: only 64% of inoculated seedlings developed tumors compared with 89 to 100% efficiencies for all other cultivars.