PdPtAu alloys for low-temperature precision resistors

Palladium-rich PdPt and PdAu alloys exhibit a resistance-temperature behavior characterized by flat minima even after eliminating the Kondo effect by oxidation of the impurities. The opposite signs of their thermoelectric potentials against a superconductor permit the preparation of ternary PdPtAu alloys free of a thermoelectric power. The measurements resulted in a nomogram suitable for determining the composition of the alloy necessary for a resistivity minimum at a given temperature between 1.5 and 4.2 K. Alloys manufactured in this way have a temperature coefficient of resistivity of less than 10(-6)/K within a temperature interval of 0.5 K and a thermoelectric power against a superconductor of less than 1 nV/K.

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