Estradiol-17? suppresses testicular development and stimulates sex reversal in protandrous black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli

Two year old black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) fed a diet containing 4.0 mg kg−1 of estradiol-17β (E2) for 5 months had significantly lower GSI than the control group during the spawning season. E2 suppressed testicular development, spermiation and plasma testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and stimulated ovarian development, vitellogenesis and sex reversal. Spermiation in the control group occurred in January and February with the concentrations of 1.08–1.36 × 1010 sperm ml−1 of milt. Higher plasma T and 11-KT, but lower E2 levels were detected in the spermiating fish (control group). Higher plasma E2 levels were detected in the sex reversing black porgy during the pre-spawning season. A sharp rise in plasma 11-KT and a drop in T levels were detected in spermiating fish (control group) from January to February. Plasma 11-KT levels correlated with the testicular development and spermiation. The data suggest that E2 plays an important role in controlling the sex reversal of black porgy.

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