Comparative Evaluation of Zinc Sulfadiazine aims Silver Sulfadiazine in Burn Wound Infection

One percent silver sulfadiazine has been commonly used as a topical antimicrobial agent after a burn injury. Incidence of burn wound colonization by Staphylococcus aureus in patients treated with silver sulfadiazine has spurred research for other agents. A topical preparation that contains zinc and sulfadiazine (Zad-G) was evaluated for in vitro antibacterial spectrum and in vivo efficacy. Muscle biopsy specimens of rats treated with Zad-G appear to have fewer colonies of S. aureus than groups treated with silver sulfadiazine. Topical therapy with Zad-G for patients with burns was comfortable, reduced wound infection, and was comparable to therapy with silver sulfadiazine. A topical Zad-G preparation that contains zinc sulfadiazine appears to be an effective alternative to silver sulfadiazine in the treatment of burn wounds.