Stationary magnetic shear reversal experiments in Tore Supra

Stable and stationary states with hollow current density profiles have been achieved in Tore Supra with lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) during reduced toroidal magnetic field operation and in weak LH absorption regimes. For these plasma conditions, off-axis LH power deposition profiles are obtained in a reproducible manner when the internal LH caustics prevent central absorption of the waves. In the multipass LH wave propagation regime, the validity of the statistical treatment of stochastic wave diffusion is shown both theoretically and experimentally. When a large fraction of the plasma current (above 50%) is non-inductively sustained by the LH waves, the magnetic shear is reversed in the plasma core, i.e. inside a normalized plasma radius of the order of 0.4. The resulting hollow current density profiles have led to an enhancement of the total electron thermal energy content, up to a factor of 1.6 compared with L-mode discharges. The confinement improvement is attributed to a strong reduction of the electron thermal diffusivity in the central reversed shear region, nearly down to its neoclassical level.