Highland, Hereford, Hereford × Highland, and Highland × Hereford dams were compared in a range of environment. At 12 mo, body weights of reciprocal cross heifers exceeded those of the Highland by 12.5%, and the Highland × Hereford surpassed the Hereford by 5.8%. Hereford and reciprocal cross cows exceeded the Highland by 15–20% at each of the bi-yearly weights between 18 and 60 mo. The 24-h milk yield of the Hereford × Highland (highest) exceeded that of the Highland (lowest) by 26, 35, and 40% in June, August, and October. Dam group means for percent milk fat did not differ and differences in percentages of SNF or protein were small. Rankings for weight of milk, fat, SNF, and protein over the last 21–22 wk of the lactation period were: Hereford × Highland = Highland × Hereford > Hereford > Highland. Highlands cannot be recommended for use as a pure breed under range conditions. However, in a first cross with the Hereford they restrict cow size and promote milk production and calf growth.