Influences of sex and age on cardiovascular responses during stress.

The present investigation examined the influence of sex and age on blood pressure and heart rate responses in 125 women, 93 men, 121 girls, and 96 boys to three standardized stressors: serial subtraction, mirror-image tracing, and isometric handgrip. With baseline measures and body mass index controlled for, analyses of covariance showed tha adults had greater systolic blood pressure responses than did children; men had greater blood pressure responses to all stressors than did women; and high school boys had greater systolic blood pressure responses than did high school girls. In addition, adults had smaller heart rate responses during isometric handgrip than did children, and high school students had smaller heart rate responses during all tasks than did the remaining, younger students. These results show that sex and age are important determinants of the magnitude of cardiovascular adjustments during stressors. The implications of these results are discussed in light of sex differences in coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality.