Why are electron capture negative ion mass spectra not reproducible? An ion source problem

Differences in the electron capture negative ion mass spectra of environmentally related organic compounds acquired on a VG 30-250 triple quadruple mass spectrometer and on an HP 5985B gas chromatography/mass spectrometry system were investigated with respect to the ion formation process. Neither ion source temperature nor pressure was responsible for the differences. The populations of thermal electrons in both ion sources were experimentally determined and found to be similar, suggesting that electron capturing reactions should proceed with comparable efficiencies in both ion sources. The ion extraction efficiencies of the two instruments were examined by monitoring the transmission profiles of low- and high-mass ions as a function of lens potentials. Results indicated that the HP 5985B extraction lens significantly suppressed low-mass ions. Further, theoretical evaluation of ion trajectories using SIMION suggested that on the HP 5985B, low-mass ions entered the mass analyzer as a defocused beam, but high-mass ions entered the analyzer as a well-collimated beam. On the VG 30–250, low- and high-mass ions were transmitted to the analyzer with equal efficiency by the ion extraction system.