High-field magnetization processes in actinide intermetallics (invited)

In magnetically ordered intermetallics of uranium with d transition elements, the magnetic moment on the uranium site is often limited to values below 0.1μB, with, in some cases, extremely large magnetic anisotropies. Several approaches are followed for explaining these small uranium moments: opposite directions and almost compensation of the spin and orbital moments, reduction of the uranium 5f moment by strong hybridization effects between the 5f and conduction electrons, and very weak itinerant magnetism of the 5f electrons. In the Laves-phase compounds UFe2 and UNi2, the magnetic data have been explained in terms of opposite spin and orbital moments on the uranium sites. In the heavy-fermion compounds UPt3 and URu2Si2, on the contrary, a Kondo approach is followed, although coherence effects largely complicate a proper description. The experimental evidence for these different approaches will be reviewed.