Parkinson's disease is an illness with neuropathological and neuroanatomical abnormalities in many areas of the central nervous system. Some clinical manifestations of this illness are correlated with pathological changes in the substantia nigra and with a loss of dopamine in the nigra and striatum. The most effective pharmacological treatments have used agents that either replace the lost dopamine or act as agonists on dopamine receptors. Recent studies in animal models of Parkinson's disease demonstrate that the loss of dopamine and many clinical manifestations of dopamine reduction can be reversed by transplantation of fetal dopamine-containing cells to specific dopamine-depleted areas of the brain. Long term viability of these transplants has also been demonstrated. The author suggests that the transplantation of dopamine neurons, even across species barriers, is a reasonable consideration for the treatment of human Parkinson's disease. This article reviews in detail the results of recent experiments and how the experience in these models might be utilized in determining a transplantation strategy for the treatment of specific clinical aspects of this illness.