The Signs of Pancreatic Degenerative Atrophy in Dogs and the Role of External Factors in the Ethiology of the Disease

A questionnaire was sent to 109 owners of German Shepherds suffering from pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) and to 186 owners of German Shepherds with no known history of PDA. Owners were asked questions about their dogs adolescense, e.g. rate of growth, diseases and training. Detailed questions about feeding, intestinal and skin problems were also asked. In the questionnaire for PDA–dogs questions were divided into two parts: before and after the onset of PDA signs. Based on this study no specific early signs of PDA or causative factors could be found. The role of stress as a triggering factor could not, however, be totally excluded. The frequency of typical signs of PDA was outlined and also some signs not previously reported as typical PDA-signs were noted. Based on this study no specific early signs of PDA or causative factors could be found. The role of stress as a triggering factor could not, however, be totally excluded. The frequency of typical signs of PDA was outlined and also some signs not previously reported as typical PDA-signs were noted.