Myoelectric power spectrum dependence on muscular contraction level of elbow flexors

Summary The influence of the strength of contraction on surface recorded myoelectric power spectra was studied for three elbow flexors. Four subjects performed brief (3–5 s) isometric contraction levels (5–80% MVC). The experiment was repeated 23–26 times on different days. The surface myoelectric signal was recorded from the biceps brachii, the brachialis and the brachioradialis. By fast Fourier transform the myoelectric power spectrum was computed. The mean power frequency (MPF) was calculated and used as a single estimate of the myoelectric power spectrum. The MPF was found to increase with contraction strength with low level contractions. At levels in excess of 25–30% of MVC, the MPF became independent of contraction level. This dependence of the MPF on low level contractions is explained by tissue filtering effects and the recruitment order and distribution of motor units.