Intralipid Infusion in Neonates

In vivo and in vitro studies were done to assess the effects of intralipid (IL) on neonatal polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) function. No significant abnormalities of chemotactic (CT) or chemiluminescent (CL) activities were noted in cord or adult PMNL incubated with IL (10 mg/ml) when compared with paired controls incubated with buffer. In 14 premature and term neonates, IL was infused at 1 g/kg per 24 h. Postinfusion CL activity of PMNL was not significantly different from preinfusion CL activity. Although previous animal and human studies showed abnormalities of PMNL function using higher infusion rates, slow infusion of IL at 1 g/kg per 24 h produced no detectable alteration in PMNL oxidative function. The safety of long-term therapy with higher doses of IL remains to be proven.