Yield and Nutrient Content of Spring Wheat Subjected to Water Stress at Various Growth Stages

Yield and nutrient content of spring wheat as affected by water stress at various growth stages were studied in lysimeter experiments. The grain yield was reduced when subjecting the crop to water stress at any stage of development. Temporary water stress which was terminated before heading developed late tillers. They appeared after heading had ceased and ripened 2 wk later than normal tillers. When grain yield from normal tillers only was considered the largest yield reduction occurred when water stress occurred during vegetative growth. Including grain from late tillers the largest yield reduction occurred when water stress occurred during the booting-heading period. Water stress occurring in growth stages prior to heading resulted in increased percentage of N, P and Mg in the grain whereas the percentages of Ca, K and Na were unaffected. Water stress in growth stages later than heading resulted in reduced percentage of N in the grain, whereas for the other elements considered no significant effect was observed.