Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of weedy and colonizer plant species at disturbed sites in Utah

A survey was made of weedy plant species found on distubed sites in Utah. Of the 74 species sampled, 57% were found to contain VA mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal species strictly followed taxonomic divisions, regardless of growth habit. Nonmycorrhizal species were members of the Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae, Capparidaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Papaveraceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Rubiaceae, and Zygophyllaceae. Cover data were obtained for all plant species, including nonweedy species, colonizing seven of the disturbed sites. Flat semiarid sites were dominated by nonmycorrhizal species. The proportion of mycorrhizal plant cover may be related to water availability. Rocky, sloping sites were dominated by mycorrhizal species. Disturbance by fire did not cause a significant change in the mycorrhizal component of the community.