Organization and nucleotide sequence of the broad bean chloroplast genes trnL-UAG, ndhF and two unidentified open reading frames

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 6.9 kbp BamHI-Xbal fragment of broad bean chloroplasts. Part of this fragment (subfragment BglII-CIal) is known to contain three tRNA genes (trnL-CAA, trnlrUAA and trnF). We have now further identified a gene coding for the third tRNALeu isoacceptor (trnL-UAG) which is located close to trnF. The BamHI-Xbal fragment also contains the gene for subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase (ndhF) and two unidentified open reading frames (ORFx and ORF48). ORFx shares a high sequence homology with the long reading frames of tobacco (ORF1708), spinach (ORF2131), and liverwort (ORF2136), while ORF48 shares sequence homology with ORF69 of liverwort and ORF55 of tobacco.