Special Report: Quality Control in Immunohistochemistry: Report of a Workshop Sponsored by the Biological Stain Commission

Although immunohistochemical methods are increasingly applied in diagnostic histopathology, there has been little standardization or quality control of immunoreagents; and published reports have not standardized Material and Methods for meaningful comparisons of results among clinicians. The Biological Stain Commission-sponsored workshop was convened to address the following issues: a manufacturers’ testing program for probity of commercial antibodies, development of a manual for performance criteria and quality control assurance procedures, standardization of package inserts, standardization of information provided in the Materials and Methods sections of publications, establishment of a reagent and procedure clearing house, study of the effects of different fixation regimes on tissue antigens, and investigation of the environmental conditions needed for antigen-antibody interaction. The recommendations of the ad hoc committee and their implications for the future are discussed.