Vernalisation und Devernalisation bei einer zweijährigen Pflanze

With regard to the necessity of vernalization there are 2 main groups of plants: the so-called winter annuals, such as many cereals, in which the necessity of vernalization has a quantitative character, and the biennials, whose necessity of vernalization is qualitative. In the authors'' expts. a biennial race of Hyoscyamus niger, belonging to the latter group, was used. While the duration of short-day conditions between vernalization and the beginning of the long-day irradiation does not influence the capability of blooming of this biennial, a 10-20-day influence of heat (30-39C), beginning within 3 days after the end of a period of cold treatment, could lead to devernalization. The longer the treatment and the higher the temp., the fewer plants produced blossoms or even microscopic primordia of blooms. Thus the reversibility of vernalization is equal in cereals and biennial plants, as well as the localization of the processes of vernalization in the plant''s growing point. Presumably, vernalization is a complex of 2 processes: in the first one a certain thermo-unstable state is attained and in a 2d process this thermo-unstable state is transformed into a thermostable one, in which devernalization is no longer possible.[long dash]The paper ends with a comparison of vernalization and pigmentation in their dependences on temp., and with a physicochemical discussion of the authors'' opinions pertaining to the different processes that result in vernalization.

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