The Dyson-Maleev graphical approach to two-magnon Raman scattering in simple antiferro-magnets, which was developed in two previous papers, is extended to include the simplest class of corrections which arise from using the complete Raman-transition operator M in place of the lowest-order approximation for M considered previously. The class of diagrams considered yields an amplitude renormalization factor for the two-magnon Raman process. Previously Sólyom, using a different graphical method, has obtained an amplitude renormalization factor of Saz2 where Saz is the sublattice magnetization. Sólyom's result predicts a vanishing Raman intensity at the ordering temperature TN. In the present paper it is shown that Sólyom's result is a consequence of including only the effects of the transverse (Sx,Sy) interactions in M, and that when the additional longitudinal (Sz) interactions in M are included, the correct amplitude renormalization factor is α2(T), where α(T) is the energy renormalization factor of the Hartree-Fock theory. Since α(T) remains finite at the ordering temperature, the unsatisfactory vanishing of the Raman amplitude at TN is eliminated. Although the amplitude-renormalization processes considered here do not improve the line-shape difficulties discussed previously, the fact that they are non-negligible suggests that more complicated processes which arise from using the complete expression for M will also have a significant effect on both the amplitude and line shape of the higher-temperature spectra.