Adenoviral Heterogeneous Nuclear RNA Is Associated with Host Cell Proteins

In this study irradiation of intact cells with 244-nm ultraviolet light was used to cross-link hnRNA to proteins that are closely associated with it. In this way proteins interacting specifically with hnRNA could be identified excluding the possibility of non-specific binding of proteins to the RNA during cell fractionation. In uninfected HeLa cells two polypeptides of 41500 and 43000 molecular weight can be cross-linked very efficiently to hnRNA. Other proteins, with molecular weights of 36000 and 37000, were covalently linked less effectively. Irradiation of adenovirus-infected cells results in the cross-linking of the same polypeptides to hnRNA. It was found, however, that hnRNA from adenovirus-infected cells contains both viral and host transcripts. Both classes of transcripts are quantitatively associated with the nuclear matrix and can be cross-linked by irradiation with equal efficiency. To determine whether both adenoviral and cellular transcripts are associated with the same proteins, the cross-linked adenoviral hnRNA-protein complexes were isolated by preparative hybridization to adenoviral DNA immobilized on Sepharose. The results show that the purified cross-linked adenoviral hnRNA-protein complexes also contain the host 41500-Mr and 43000-Mr proteins as major components. This suggests that in the infected cell adenoviral-specific hnRNA is associated with host proteins and that the structural organization of viral hnRNA-protein complexes in infected cells probably is similar to the organization of host hnRNA in uninfected cells.