Dinoflagellate-infecting viruses

Dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) are considered to be one of the most abundant and diverse groups of phytoplankton; however, the viral impact on dinoflagellates was not studied until recently. This review shows the present information concerning the viruses infecting dinoflagellates and the ecology relationships between the host and the virus. So far, two viruses have been isolated and characterized: a large DNA virus (HcV: Heterocapsa circularisquama virus) and a small RNA virus (HcRNAV: H. circularisquama RNA virus); both of which are infectious to the harmful bloom-forming dinoflagellate H. circularisquama.In the present review, we mainly discuss the relationship between HcRNAV and H. circularisquama from the viewpoint of physiology, ecology and genetics. It will help clarify the viral impact on dinoflagellate populations in marine environments to understand the host/parasite ecology.

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