The western Nearctic genera Neothremma and Farula are assigned to the family Uenoidae, previously comprising only the type genus Uenoa from Asia; a new genus Sericostriata with S. surdickae n. sp. from western North America is also added to the family. Traditionally assigned to the Limnephilidae where they have been always anomalous, Neothremma and Farula are shown to share many synapomorphic larval characters with Uenoa; under close examination, characters of the adults support this relationship. Familial and generic diagnoses are provided, reflecting the revised composition of the Uenoidae. Generic keys to adults, larvae, and pupae are given; species are briefly reviewed and keys given to adults; Uenoa arcuata n. sp. is described from Assam, Uenoa janetscheki Botosaneanu is placed as a junior subjective synonym under U. hiberna Kimmins, and Neothremma laloukesi Schmid as a junior subjective synonym of N. alicia Dodds and Hisaw. Phylogenetic relationships among the genera are considered. This study is an instructive example of the importance of larvae in providing data for the systematics of Trichoptera.