A postembedment method for the localization of lectin-binding glycoconjugates was developed using Epon-embedded growth plate cartilage from Yucatan miniature swine. By testing a variety of etching, blocking, and incubation procedures, a standard protocol was developed for 1 micron thick sections that allowed visualization of both intracellular and extracellular glycoconjugates with affinity for wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin A. Both fluorescent and peroxidase techniques were used, and comparisons were made between direct methods and indirect methods using the biotin-avidin bridging system. Differential extracellular lectin binding allowed visualization of interterritorial , territorial, and pericellular matrices. Double labeling experiments showed the precision with which intracellular binding could be localized to specific cytoplasmic compartments, with resolution of binding to the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and nuclear membrane at the light microscopic level. This method allows the localization of both intracellular and extracellular lectin-binding glycoconjugates using fixation and embedment procedures that are compatible with simultaneous ultrastructural analysis. As such it should have applicability both to the morphological analysis of growth plate organization during normal endochondral ossification, as well as to the diagnostic pathology of matrix abnormalities in disease states of growing cartilage.

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