Intermediate structure resonances in the inelastic scattering ofC12onO16

Excitation functions for inelastic scattering of C12 + O16 to the 2+ state in C12 at 4.43 MeV, the (3, 0+) doublet at 6.1 MeV and the (2+, 1) states at 7.0 MeV in O16 have been measured over the energy range 33Elab54 MeV in 200-keV steps, at c.m. angles ranging from 100° to 165°. Several new intermediate structure resonances are observed in the inelastic channels. A statistical analysis reveals strong correlations in angle and in exit channels. Complete elastic and inelastic angular distributions were measured at the energies of Ec.m.=13.6, 19.7, 20.5, 22.0, and 22.6 MeV as well as as at 21.3 MeV. Optical model fits to the elastic angular distributions result in the spin assignments J=9, 14+, and 15(16+) 14+, and 15 (16+) for the resonances at Ec.m.=13.6, 19.7, and 22.0 19.7, and 22.0 MeV, respectively. Partial widths are extracted from the data. The reduced widths of the inelastic channels are large, establishing their importance in the resonance mechanism. The results are compared to predictions of existing models, and it is found that a simple double-resonance model does not adequately describe the data.