Characteristics of Four New Human Cell Lines Derived From Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck2

Four human cell lines were established from biopsy specimens of squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx (TR131 and TR138), tongue (TR126), and buccal mucosa that had infiltrated a lymph node (TR146). All 4 lines readily formed colonies on a plastic substratum, but they were virtually incapable of forming colonies in an anchorage-independent semisolid support system of soft agar (cloning efficiencies, (nu/nu) produced cystic nodules or unequivocal tumors having a histology indicating a squamous cell origin for the injected cells. Electron microscopy demonstrated that the cell lines covered a spectrum of differentiation capability ranging from the undifferentiated monolayer cultures of TR126 to the rather well differentiated, stratified cultures of TR131.