Studies of a “Complete” and an “Incomplete” Rh Antiserum with cDe/cde and -D-/-D- Cells

Summary and Conclusions: Fractions of an Rh antiserum prepared by electrophoresis-convection and titrated with cDe/cde cells revealed no saline agglutination, but incomplete antibodies including saline blocking antibodies were found in high titers. Tests of these fractions with -D-/-D- cells, however, did reveal the presence of saline agglutinins in 5 out of 7 fractions; nevertheless, prozones (up to 1/4 dilution) in the saline agglutination titrations were present, blocking in saline occurred in a low dilution (1/2) of one of the fractions, and incomplete (albumin agglutination and indirect antiglobulin titrations) resulted in endpoints from 16 to 64 times higher than the saline agglutination titers. The results of this study, therefore, substantiate those of the previous report, which indicated that incomplete antibodies do not react as bivalent (complete or agglutinating antibodies) with -D-/-D- cells. They also indicate that saline agglutination of -D-/-D- cells can be blocked by incomplete antibodies, and that fractions of Rh antisera (as well as native sera) which appear to contain only incomplete antibodies may show the presence of complete antibodies if tested with -D-/-D- cells.