Phenomenology of single-Wproduction ineγcollisions

We have studied the phenomenology of single-charged-weak-boson production in collisions. The cross sections are comparable to the e+ eW+ W cross section expected at the LEP II e+ e collider at CERN once branching fractions for W decay into final-state fermions are taken into account. Using the hadronic decay modes of the W we estimate that MW and ΓW could be measured to similar precision as LEP II experiments using comparable integrated luminosities. However, the process eγ→Wνe is especially sensitive to the anomalous magnetic moment of the W, κγ, and as such offers a good opportunity to test the gauge structure of the standard model at the tree level and at the one-loop level. Our conclusion is that the feasibility of building a high-luminosity collider is definitely worth studying.