TherdgBGene ofDrosophila: A Link Between Vision and Olfaction

otal (ota = olfactory trap abnormal), an X-linked mutation of Drosophila isolated by virtue of abnormal olfactory behavior, is shown to be an allele of rdgB (retinal degeneration B), a gene required for normal visual system physiology. rdgB function is shown to be necessary for olfactory response of both adult flies and larvae, which have distinct olfactory systems. Electrophysiological recordings from the adult antenna indicate that rdgB is required for normal response in the peripheral olfactory system: some rdgB mutants show a delayed return to the resting potential following stimulation with ethyl acetate vapor. These results indicate that rdgB is required for both visual and olfactory physiology, and they suggest that visual and olfactory transduction may share at least one common molecular step in Drosophila.