Therapy of Anisometropic Amblyopia

In 67 patients with strictly anisometropic amblyopia, sttistically significant correlations were found mong 3 measurable parameters: the vision before treatment, the amount of anisometropia and the vision after tretment. The predetermined factors associated with success of treatment were: lower amounts of anisometropia, particularly < 6 diopters for myopes; better initial vision and a younger patient for hyperopic differences. Patients with < 3 diopters of anisometropia were more likely to succeed with the use of glasses alone; a trial of glasses did not prolong therapy time. Despite a substantial number of older patients with extreme amounts of anisometropia or very poor vision, the group did well, with 70% achieving 20/40 or better. Therapy should be approached enthusiastically, even for highly myopic patients since success was previously reported with them. The factors under the control of the ophthalmologist which will promote success in these patients are correct glasses prescriptions, particularly with full astigmatic correction, continued use of glasses as maintenance therapy, and patience, since children required a median of 8 mo. for therapy to be successful.

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