A systematic and genecological study of Picea glauca and P. engelmannii, using paper chromatograms of needle extracts

This paper describes some applications of Picea needle extract chro-matography to the interspecific relations of P. engelmannii Parry and P. glauca (Moench) Voss, and the intraspecific relations of P. glauca. Sixty-eight branch and cone collections of Engelmann, intermediate, and white spruce were used to obtain 57 morphologically indexed and 68 chromatographed specimens. Morphological Index was significantly correlated with collection site elevation. Nine of 28 unidentified needle extract substances exhibited definite geographic patterns of occurrence in specimens. Eight substances were significantly correlated with elevation. Ten substances occurred much more frequently in 1 or 2 of the 3 Morphological Index groups; their combined diagnostic value was high. Sixteen substances showed positive correlation in a Chi-square association network. A dependency network described the contingent occurrence of substances. Spruce collections were objectively classified into 7 "Normal Association-Analysis" (NAA) groups which showed strong correlation with geography, elevation, Morphological Index, and spot diversity. A 3-dimentional ordination of specimens was constructed on needle extract criteria; substances, elevations, indices, and spot diversity exhibited definite patterns and gradients on it; and the structural relations of the NAA groups were clarified. Final evaluation of chromatographic evidence for continuous intergradation of Engelmann and white spruce, and for ecotypic differentiation in white spruce awaits future research on the influence of environmental factors on the presence and absence of substances.