Diglyceride lipase: a pathway for arachidonate release from human platelets.

We provide evidence that the mechanism for arachidonate release from stimulated human platelets involves two enzymes: a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (EC and a diglyceride lipase. After incubation of platelets with thrombin for 15 seconds, 1.2 nmol of 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoyl diglyceride per 10(9) platelets, was isolated. Arachidonate was released from this substrate by the action of diglyceride lipase located in the particulate fraction of platelets. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 7.0, is stimulated by calcium ions and reduced glutathione, and liberates 31 nmol of fatty acid per min per mg of platelet particulate protein. The diglyceride lipase has sufficient activity to account for the 5-10 nmol of arachidonate released per 10(9) platelets upon thrombin stimulation. That only arachidonate is released upon thrombin stimulation may be explained by the fact that the diglyceride substrate in platelets contains only arachidonate in the 2 position. The lipase activity found in platelet membranes can also hydrolyze the 1-position fatty acid. Stearate is not released when intact platelets are stimulated with thrombin, and the fate of this fatty acid remains to be elucidated.