Evaluation of molecular integrals over Gaussian basis functions

This paper is concerned with the efficient computation of the ubiquitous electron repulsion integral in molecular quantum mechanics. Differences and similarities in organization of existing Gaussian integral programs are discussed, and a new strategy is developed. An analysis based on the theory of orthogonal polynomials yields a general formula for basis functions of arbitrarily high angular momentum. (ηiηj∥ηkηl) = Σα=1,nIx(uα) Iy(uα) I*z(uα) By computing a large block of integrals concurrently, the same I factors may be used for many different integrals. This method is computationally simple and numerically well behaved. It has been incorporated into a new molecular SCF program HONDO. Preliminary tests indicate that it is competitive with existing methods especially for highly angularly dependent functions.