Air, methylcellulose, sodium hyaluronate and the corneal endothelium. Endothelial protective agents

In a randomised trial the endothelial protective agent used during extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens insertion was air in 19 eyes (group 1), methylcellulose in 25 eyes (group 2) and sodium hyaluronate in 22 (group 3). The cell population densities of each eye were estimated immediately before and three months after the operations to determine the degree of cell loss. Eyes showing mechanical (touch) damage on the second postoperative day were eliminated. The numbers of eyes in each group which showed a statistically significant cell loss were compared, and the mean cell losses in each group were tested for significant differences. It appears that air actually damages the endothelium while methylcellulose and Na-hyaluronate are not harmful, and afford a high, essentially equal degree of endothelial protection.