We have isolated two identical molecular clones of the single, endogenous ecotropic provirus of BALB/c mice. The BALB/c clones are approximately 1/10 as infectious as an exogenous proviral clone derived from AKR mice, p623. Transfection of mouse cells with each BALB/c proviral clone yielded XC-negative, N-tropic, ecotropic virus. Cotransfection of subgenomic fragments of p623 and the BALB/c provirus did not increase infectivity to the level observed for p623; however, a 292-base-pair fragment of the p623 env gene was found to rescue XC-plaque formation. Sequence analysis showed that the XC-negative BALB/c provirus differed from the XC-positive AKR-derived provirus at a single nucleotide at the junction of the gp70 and p15E envelope proteins. Extensive sequence analysis of the BALB/c endogenous provirus showed that it differed from the sequence of the AKR-derived provirus at approximately 0.5% of 4,500 sequenced nucleotides. In addition, the BALB/c long terminal repeat contains a single copy of the enhancer-containing sequences that are repeated twice in p623. The limited variation between the ecotropic proviruses of BALB/c mice and AKR mice suggests that few cycles of reverse transcription separate these viral genomes.