Summary and Conclusions Measurements have been made under basal conditions of weight, pulse, blood pressure, mouth temperature, and metabolism of twelve English and American women changing their residence from temperate to tropical climates (South India). These data are analyzed and compared with a similar study of nine women reported in 1934. For one subject, records are charted covering a period of twelve years, including three furlough periods in America and two 5-year periods in Madras. The results found in this series of twelve are consistent with those in the 1934 series. From the combined study of 21 women in the basal state, the following conclusions may be drawn: 1. The weight tends to decrease in the tropics. 2. The pulse rate falls in the tropics in almost all cases, the average of all cases being a fall of 9 per cent, or 6 beats a minute. 3. There is a trend toward slightly lowered systolic and diastolic pressures, but much individual variation. 4. The mouth temperature either shows no significant change or rises in the tropics. The average for the whole series is a rise of 0.3°F. 5. With regard to basal metabolism, two sharply marked types of behaviour appear with the change to tropical climate. Eight, or 38 per cent of these 21 women, showed no significant change in metabolism. Thirteen, or 62 per cent showed a distinct fall in metabolic rate in the tropics, averaging approximately 10 per cent. This change, when it occurs, takes place promptly, i.e., within the time required for the journey, and in those few cases studied for longer periods the behaviour has been consistent in the same individuals. It occurs in both newcomers and old residents. When this type of person returns to temperate climates the rate of metabolism rises to its former level, again promptly. 6. The data suggest strongly a relation between body temperature and metabolic response to the tropics. Both series show a greater rise in temperature in the tropics in those women whose metabolism does not change. Both series also suggest that persons of this type, with constant metabolism but rising temperature, are more likely to have been persons with low body temperatures in temperate climates. Apart from this possible factor, there appears to be no way of predicting from measurements in temperate climates which type of tropical response an individual will show. 7. There is as yet no real evidence that one type of tropical response is a better adaptation than the other.

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