Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of papaverine HCl following intravenous, peroral, rectal, vaginal, topical and buccal administration in beagle dogs

This in vivo study was designed to obtain bioavailability data and a definite pharmacokinetic profile of papaverine HCl in Beagle dogs following intravenous (IV), peroral (PO), rectal, vaginal, topical, and buccal administration of different papaverine HCl formulations. Blood samples were analyzed by high‐performance liquid chromatography. The pharmacokinetic parameters were determined using either a curve fitting program (RESID) or a compartment model independent program (AUC‐RPP). The plasma concentration‐time profiles show that papaverine HCl pharmacokinetics is best described by an open two‐compartment model. The absolute bioavailability of papaverine HCl was determined to be 57·2 per cent, 25·2 per cent, 53·2 per cent, 3·2 per cent and 7·5 per cent, respectively, following P.O., rectal, vaginal, topical and buccal administration.