The chromosomal gene structure for murine granulocyte colony‐stimulating factor

The chromosomal gene for murine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been isolated from a mouse genomic library. The nucleotide sequence analysis of the gene and its flanking region has revealed that the murine G-CSF gene is composed of four introns and five exons, which is similar to the human G-CSF gene. The S1 mapping analysis of murine G-CSF mRNA has identified the major transcription initiation site for the murine G-CSF gene at 36 base pairs upstream of the ATG initiation codon. In the flanking region, there are sequences of about 300 base pairs which are highly conserved between human and murine G-CSF genes. The decanucleotide GAGRTTCCAC, which was found at the 5''-flanking region of genes for other hemopoietic growth factors, was also present within the corresponding regions of human and murine G-CSF gene. Unlike the human G-CSF gene, no alternative splicing was observed for the murine G-CSF gene.