Interaction of polypeptide hormones with lipid momolayers

1. The interaction between lipid monolayers spread on the surface of water and oxytocin, [8-arginine]-vasotocin and [1-asparagine-5-valine]-angiotensin II in the subphase was investigated in a Langmuir surface trough by studying the changes in pressure produced on injection of various quantities of the polypeptide solution under the film. 2. The effect of 2m- and 4m-urea on the character of the adsorption is reported. 3. Structures for the adsorbed films formed in this way are suggested. 4. If the lipid monolayer is taken as a suitable model of cell membranes, then it may be supposed that the effect of such structures forming in cell membranes would be to provide effective ‘pores’ to facilitate the movement of water and other small molecules across the membrane.