Gauge Unification in Higher Dimensions

  • 12 March 2001
A complete 5-dimensional SU(5) unified theory is constructed which, on compactification on the orbifold S^1/(Z_2 X Z_2'), yields the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The orbifold accomplishes SU(5) gauge symmetry breaking, doublet-triplet splitting, and a vanishing of proton decay from operators of dimension 5. Until 4d supersymmetry is broken, all proton decay from dimension 4 and dimension 5 operators is forced to vanish by an exact, anomaly free U(1)_R symmetry. Quarks and leptons and their Yukawa interactions are located at the Z_2 orbifold fixed points, where SU(5) is unbroken. A new mechanism for introducing SU(5) breaking into the quark and lepton masses is introduced, which originates from the SU(5) violation in the zero-mode structure of bulk multiplets. Even though SU(5) is absent at the Z_2' orbifold fixed point, the brane threshold corrections to gauge coupling unification are argued to be negligibly small, while the logarithmic corrections are small and in a direction which improves the agreement with the experimental measurements of the gauge couplings. Furthermore, the X gauge boson mass is lowered, so that proton decay to e^+ \pi^0 is expected with a rate within about one order of magnitude of the current limit. Supersymmetry breaking occurs on the Z_2' orbifold fixed point, and is felt directly by the gauge and Higgs sectors, while squarks and sleptons acquire mass via gaugino mediation, solving the supersymmetric flavor problem.

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