Articular Cartilage Injuries

The acute and repetitive impact and torsional joint loading that occurs during participation in sports can damage articular surfaces causing pain, joint dysfunction, and effusions. In some instances, this articular surface damage leads to progressive joint degeneration. Three classes of chondral and osteochondral injuries can be identified based on the type of tissue damage and the repair response: (1) damage to the joint surface that does not cause visible mechanical disruption of the articular surface, but does cause chondral damage and may cause subchondral bone injury; (2) mechanical disruption of the articular surface limited to articular cartilage; and (3) mechanical disruption of articular cartilage and subchondral bone. In most instances, joints can repair damage that does not disrupt the articular surface if they are protected from additional injury. Mechanical disruption of articular cartilage stimulates chondrocyte synthetic activity, but it rarely results in repair of the injury. Disruption of subchondral bone stimulates chondral and bony repair, but it rarely restores an articular surface that duplicates the biologic and mechanical properties of normal articular cartilage. In selected patients, surgeons have used operative treatments including penetrating subchondral bone, soft tissue grafts, and cell transplants and osteochondral autografts and allografts to restore articular surfaces after chondral injuries. Experimental studies indicate that use of artificial matrices and growth factors also may promote formation of a new joint surface. However, an operative treatment of an articular surface injury that will benefit patients must not just provide a new joint surface, it must produce better long-term joint function than would be expected if the injury was left untreated or treated by irrigation and debridement alone. Therefore, before selecting a treatment for a patient with an articular cartilage injury, the surgeon should define the type of injury and understand its likely natural history.

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