Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen über den Einfluß des Hypophysen-Adrenalsystems auf die Blutzellensysteme

Guinea pigs and a few rabbits of varying ages were injected with ACTH (cortiphyson) alone or in varying combinations with heparin, periston, luminal and epinephrine. Cell counts and differential smears of the blood as well as smears of bone marrow and spleen, and histological preparations were studied. "High molecular substances" (i. e., periston) tended to reverse the lymphopenia, eosinopenia and heterophile leukocytosis, the effect being greatest on the last named. Peripheral blood changes were interpreted as distributional in nature. No evidence of cell destruction was seen. DOCA in large amounts resembled ACTH in its effects. Prolonged ACTH treatment was said to be mediated through the reticulo-endothelial system.