Holstein calves (120) were fed milk replacers as the only nutrients from 4-46 days of age. All milk replacers contained 20% crude protein and differed in protein source: 100% milk protein; 67% milk protein, 33% soybean protein concentrate; 67% milk protein, 33% enzymatic hydrolysate of fish; 67% milk protein, 16.5% soybean protein concentrate, 16.5% enzymatic hydrolysate of fish; 67% milk protein, 16.5% soybean protein concentrate, 16.5% spray-dried fish solubles and 67% milk protein, 24.75% soybean protein concentrate, 8.25% spray-dried fish solubles. Substitution up to 33% of dietary protein with soybean protein concentrate or combinations of soybean, enzymatic hydrolysate of fish or spray-dreied fish solubles produced 14% lower weight gains than all milk protein, but 33% replacement with enzymatic hydrolysate of fish produced 27% lower weight gains. Feed consumed per kilogram of gain was least for all milk, most for 33% fish hydrolysate and intermediate for other rations. Scour scores did not differ between diets.