Shock Compression and Shock-Induced Radiation Measurements on Calcium Fluoride

Results are presented from a study of a compression wavefront profile for a single crystal of calcium fluoride (CaF2) carried out using a particle velocity gauge. The Hugoniot elastic limit and two polymorphic phase transitions are observed at 1.8 GPa, 5.2 GPa, and 12 GPa, respectively. Shock-induced thermal radiation measurements are also carried out in the shockpressure range from 30 GPa to 70 GPa. A simultaneous spectrometric multichannel analyzer system is developed to observe the shock-induced radiation emitted from a CaF2 crystal. The resultant color temperatures are high, with a small value of emissivity. The pressure dependence of the color temperature behaves anomalously owing to the phase transition, whereas the brightness increases monotonically with increasing pressure.

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