The Histologic Typing of Tonsillar Carcinoma

In a retrospective review of 170 cases of malignancies of the tonsil the authors report on 81 malignant epithelial tumors. In 56 cases (69.1 %), the tumor (squamous cell carcinoma) was composed of solid epithelial nests with different degrees of keratinization. In 24 cases (29.6 %) the tumor (undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharyngeal type) had histologic characteristics similar to the undifferentiated carcinomas observed in the nasopharynx. Only one case was unclassifiable. Squamous cell carcinomas occurred more frequently in males (6:1), in older age, with more frequent extratonsillar and nodal extension and a poorer prognosis. Undifferentiated carcinoma had a similar incidence in both sexes, occurred also at an early age, and more often seemed to be limited to the tonsil. The 10-year disease-free survival rate was 30 % for undifferentiated carcinoma; all the patients affected by squamous cell carcinoma had a recurrence within 6 years of the diagnosis.