Improvements are planned for the Berkeley Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator which will make possible the acceleration of all elements from hydrogen to uranium to 7.5 MeV/nucleon. The improved system will consist of a 2.7 MV dc injector, a new 11 meter-long prestripper linac and the existing 27 meter long poststripper linac which will be extended to 37 meters. Baffles in the latter portion of this cavity will separate it into individually excited segments to provide completely variable energy from 3 to 7.5 MeV/nucleon. To provide the lighter heavy ion beams, at energies acceptable for biological research and medical therapy, a 25 meter diameter rapid cycling alternating gradient synchrotron is proposed. With this machine fully stripped ions from the Hilac with M¿20 can be accelerated to energies up to 500 MeV/nucleon. Details of the synchrotron design will closely follow those developed for the Omnitron and a prototype of the Omnitron accelerating resonator will be used.

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