Educational programs designed to modify physician compliance with influenza vaccination guidelines have yielded only modest improvement. We examined the impact of a standing order on the influenza vaccination rate in a general medicine clinic (GMC). The standing order gave GMC nurses the responsibility to identify and vaccinate high-risk elderly patients. The vaccine order rate in GMC patients seen during the one-month study period in 1986 (n = 97) was compared withe the rate in GMC patients from a similar period in 1984 (n = 77) and with the rate in patients seen in three subspecialty clinics during the 1986 study period (n = 106). Comparison patients were vaccinated only by specific physician order. Following the intervention, 79 (81%) of 1986 GMC study patients had vaccination orders vs 20 (28%) of the 1984 GMC comparison group and 31 (29%) of the 1986 subspecialty clinic comparison group. A simple organizational change consisting of a standing order profoundly improved compliance with vaccination guidelines.