This species is usually hermaphroditic and self-incompatible, but it shows occasional [male] and [female] strains. Hermaphrodite X hermaphrodite = hermaphrodite; hermaphrodite X [male] = 1 hermaphrodite: 1[male]; [female] X hermaphrodite = 1 hermaphrodite:1 [female]; [male] X [female] =3[male] [male]:3 [female] [female]: 1 hermaphrodite: 1 neuter. Chromosome studies show that hermaphrodites have n = 4; [male] and [female] plants have n = 3; neuters have n = 2. Occasionally, non-disjunction of chromosomes carrying sex determiners in [female] X [male] crosses results in spores with 2 chromosomes or 4 chromosomes, thus accounting for the appearance of hermaphroditic or neutral plants from a [female] X [male] cross.

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